Coalesce Theatre

Coalesce Theatre

Vienna Performing Arts Center _2015

This project is shaped upon the idea of superimposing a geometrical formulation of “change” on a specific border condition, by means of architecturally developing one of the seven elementary catastrophes, categorized by Rene Thom, as a tool to seed and provoke the urban context with the inevitabilities of transition.
Consisting of two main structures positioned on opposite sides of the highway A23, and focusing on dramatic arts as its program, the design is aimed at triggering the revival of the 11th district, being now discohered from the main urban fabric under the dominance of the overpassing motorway.

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On side one, there is the performing arts center, which is developed from a structurally stable moment of the dynamic, three dimensional control space of the swallowtail catastrophe net. The gravity defying structure smoothly delaminates from the almost flat surface of the site, spirals up and towers over the neighboring cloverleaf interchange; while the surface’s twin bifurcation sets become a scene for the exclusive and extravagant indoor halls and the easy to reach, popular outdoor platforms for street performances to clash.
On side two, however, there is the drama school. Standing 70 meters above ground, the form of the mid-rise building is comprised of two swallowtails merged into one cohesive body, with 4 singularity points now serving as branching moments, each for a tower to form an individual space grown from a single common public arena at the lower levels.
On the ground level, then both structures get connected to a vast set of public amenities, including a rectangular plaza, which would be in contrast with the ever-changing silhouette of both buildings when passed by car through the highway; and as getting inhabited, will be mirroring the army of the human figure sculptures covering the underside of the main cantilever.

 diagrams showing the structural analysis of the swallowtail surface as a load bearing shell structure

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