Hormozan Tower

Hormozan Tower

Limited Competition Entry with Mergan Architects _2015

Project Team: Kaveh Najafian, Mohammad Ekhlasi, Faez Mirabian (Mergan Architects)

The project is a preliminary proposal for a limited competition in Tehran/Iran and a good example of complexities involved with the architectural and urban design tasks in the city. Located in Shahrak-e-Gharb, the aim was to accommodate a whopping 160,000 sqm of residential and commercial spaces onto an only 16000 sqm plot in the format of 4 individual towers.

In response, we moved towards a courtyard strategy in which 4 towers, standing at the height of 120m, are placed on the perimeter of the site and the furthest distance from each other, all spiraling up in favor of more sunlight from the south. At the bottom, the northern towers are connected through a segmented podium that extends across the site and is occupied with commercial spaces. At the top, but the southern towers are bridged in order to form an arch structure. 

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