

Stage Design Porposal // Tehran _2009

Stage design proposal for Mehr-e-Dovvom, written by Jalal Tehrani

With Hessamedin Fana

The project is a stage design proposal in the format of a stand alone pavilion and is based on the idea of spatial binary. On one level, the space works through the interaction between two “faces”, in blue and in orange, which are organized as each other’s negative mold and are framed with four “sides”. In another level but both faces themselves are products of grafting the smooth space of a bifurcated surface on to the Cartesian space of a box, by which the idea of dualism can be experienced both in plans and sections.

[rev_slider alias=”Mehr-e-Dovvom Sections”][/rev_slider]

  exploded diagram showing the main geometrical elements which are contributing to the spatial experience of the pavilion.

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